Sessions and workshops in Slovenia

We’re based in Slovenia where we offer a range of health optimisation & rejuvenation programs. Our services include a variety of courses, workshops, seminars and health retreats catering to the specific needs of individuals, couples, groups and corporations.

Programs, courses and seminars are available in the following formats:


These are 60-minute training sessions supplemented with presentations of: health-awareness & education measures; home & workplace ergonomics; and risk-factor identification / reduction.


Private 90-minute sessions featuring:

  • Assessment of health, fitness, balance, coordination & physical functionality
  • Consultancy – diet & nutrition, stress management, ergonomics, & injury avoidance.
  • Identification of significant lifestyle, environmental, relationship & genetic factors.


Short (2-day) and extended (5-day) courses comprised of four 90-minute training sessions per day. These courses are supplemented with evening presentations and discussions.


Online 12-week programs consisting of:

  • Assessment of health status, vocational demands & occupational stress factors
  • Guided step-by-step instructional videos
  • Fortnightly 1-hour private Zoom session
  • Weekly 1-hour group Zoom session for all program participants
  • Online access to material on nutrition, diet, stress management & ergonomics.

Kinergy – the best investment you can make in your greatest asset That’s YOU!

Wind back your biological clock

Reclaim your health and vitality; your joie de vivre. The Kinergy program represents the state of the art in the rejuvenation sciences.

Schedule a consult today.



Ready to excel?

Make the rest of your life the best of your life. And being your best starts HERE and NOW

Keen to find out more about how to unlock your energy and potential?

Fill out the form and we’ll fill you in on how to max your mojo and get on top of your game.

Powerful evidence‑based strategies for energy enhancement,


Ne glede na tvoje želje, upe, sanje ali cilje moraš najprej spraviti v red sebe. Razvoj tvojih potencialov zahteva, da se sam polno razviješ. Kar pomeni, da resno zakorakaš na pot osebne evolucije.

Kadar se ti zdi, da ti je življenje obrnilo hrbet, te bova midva vodila skozi krizo. Najprej ti bova pomagala, da boš razumel; zakaj te vesolje v to situacijo sili. Zate bova skovala načrt, kaj moraš storiti, da se tvoje okoliščine čim hitreje spremenijo.

MOJ NA JURIŠ je osebni program, ki poleg konkretnih smernic prav zate po potrebi vključuje tudi:

– učenje Kinergetix metode v primeru:

  • zdravstvenih težav; kadar je potrebno v telesu vzpostaviti samozdravilne procese
  • izgorelosti; da pospešimo razstrupljanje ter procese pomlajevanja
  • rehabilitacije; po poškodbah ali nesrečah
  • preventive; v želji prepreÄčevanja morebitnih zdravstvenih zapletov
  • želja po večjem energijskem zaznavanju

– energijsko polnjenje v primeru: 

  • ko potrebuješ pomoč, da se energije začno po tvojih meridianih boljše pretakat, uravnavat ter da si napolniš baterije

NAJIN NA JURIŠ (partnersko svetovanje)

Zaradi darov, ki jih imava, čutiva, ali tvorita s partnerjem pravo kombinacijo ali ne. Pogosto se zgodi, da eden od partnerjev noče sodelovati, a nič zato. Lahko pomagava le tebi, da poširiš zavedanje glede vajine situacije ter prevzameš svoj del krivde. Najprej moraš prečistiti, kar je potrebno na tvoji strani, da ne ponavljaš istih napak. Nato pa se ponavadi hitro pokaže, kateri nadaljnji koraki so najboljši zate.


Včasih potrebujemo hitro prvo pomoč, da si napolnimo baterije, stimuliramo energijski pretok ter si malo oddahnemo od prekurjenosti. Zato ponujava program energijskega polnjenja, ki je v urgentnih situacijah zelo učinkovit.

TAI CHI + QI GONG  (individualno učenje)

Program za čiste začetnike ali male mojstre vsebuje učenje globokih skrivnosti veščin tai chi in qi gong. S ponotranjanjem počasnega in sproščenega drsenja po prostoru razvijamo ravnotežje in koordinacijo ter dosežemo globoko zbranost in umirjenost. Ko gibanje združimo s pravilnim dihanjem, pa pride do nenehnega menjavanja nasprotij jin in jang, ki se brez konca prelivata ena v drugo.

Ko se notranje ustavimo in si prisluhnemo, se samodejno uskladimo z vsem kar je okrog nas in z vsem tistim, kar je v nas: tako dosežemo stanje, ko smo v “očesu orkana”.


We are David & Eli Labuschagne

We specialise in energy therapies – Western & Eastern, Mainstream & Alternate. Over the last 20+ years we’ve assisted many hundreds of our clients to regain their vigor and vitality – to max their mojo.

David is 74 years young – so, when it comes to the rejuvenation sciences he’s a master of the art.

David is a Health Professional with a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. In addition to clinical work, he conducts research in biomechanics & ergonomics for tertiary and corporate institutions.  His career includes extensive involvement over 40+ years as an instructor of movement therapies (Tai Chi, Qigong & Yoga), meditation, acupressure, massage & martial arts.

David’s wife and partner, Eli, holds Master’s degrees in Science and Education; has extensive teaching experience in the fields of adult, child and health education; and is an instructor of Tai Chi, Qigong, acupressure and meditation.

Together they’ve established companies in Slovenia and Australia specialising in programs for managing and preventing chronic & aging-related health issues, physical rehabilitation & personal optimisation.


Discover what customers are saying about LNDNG. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Miriam  (27 y.o. Graphic Designer)

(27 y.o. Graphic Designer)

I had got to a point in my life where I could no longer concentrate, was chronically exhausted, dangerously underweight and emotionally volatile. In fact I felt that I did not have long to live. As far as I’m concerned, the Kinergetix program helped me get my feet back on the ground and reenergise. This gave me the courage and strength to reflect on what was wrong in my life and take steps to change those things. Now, 6 months later I feel I have turned my life around in the right direction.



thumb_02_60_60 Richard Doe

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thumb_03_60_60Jane Doe

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Check out what some of our many clients have to say.

(27 y.o. Graphic Designer)

I had got to a point in my life where I could no longer concentrate, was chronically exhausted, dangerously underweight and emotionally volatile. In fact I felt that I did not have long to live. As far as I’m concerned, the Kinergetix program helped me get my feet back on the ground and reenergise. This gave me the courage and strength to reflect on what was wrong in my life and take steps to change those things. Now, 6 months later I feel I have turned my life around in the right direction.


(56 y.o. Housewife)

Since my early childhood I have been in frequent pain from spondylolisthesis. This has not only considerably restricted my movement and activities, but on occasion has made it impossible to do any work at all. Over the years I have consulted and been treated by spine specialists but with little benefit. To deal with this I often resort to painkillers and bed rest. I started doing Kinergetix and was virtually pain free after doing the exercises for only ½ hour. Since that time I have been able to resume a much more active lifestyle. Whenever I do have painful episodes, the exercises help me to rapidly reduce my pain.

I like the freedom to do this program anywhere that I am, and like the fact that I don’t need exercise aids, or any equipment — I already have it — my body. I also like the way I know that one never reaches a peak and that I am becoming stronger and healthier all the time.



Abie Martinez

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Tomas Noasdl

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam , quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. pariatur.



Unlock and turbocharge your energy

with the Kinergy Master Key




Being your best starts here.

We provide you  the tools, knowledge, training, support & motivation

to tune up your body, sharpen your mind and boost your energy.


Kinergy programs include the following modules:


Routines to enhance balance, build core stability, improve posture, increase flexibility, and restore mobility.



Training to increase work capacity, proprioception, physical functionality and efficiency.



Military training routines to improve respiratory function, and build strength, endurance & cardiovascular fitness.



Biomechanical assessment of fitness, balance, coordination and physical functionality



Routines to enhance metabolism, digestion, neuroendocrine function, and build a strong immune system.



Module to develop awareness,  sensitivity, concentration, perceptive powers, focus, & cognitive abilities.



Routines to promote a state of deep relaxation, serenity, mental clarity, receptivity & creativity.



Module to assist with organising, prioritising, setting and successfully realising personal goals.



Learn to move naturally, fluidly, effortlessly and efficiently, whether at work or play.

Enhance your balance, flexibility, agility and coordination

Fire up your energy and libido

Reduce stress and increase wellbeing

The Kinergy modality embodies a wholistic approach to health optimisation - it harmonises the functioning of body, mind, and spirit, thereby fostering rehabilitation, rejuvenation, and longevity.

Kinergy has evolved from the marriage of the Western biomechanical and medical sciences with Eastern bioenergetics, mind+body therapies and martial arts. It draws upon the most effective practices of physical, mental and spiritual development, combining them into programs relevant to modern day lifestyles and understandings.

High-power individuals who need to be in top form and are on the edge of burn-out, and who need to re-energis(e.g. execs, health professionals, IT workers, administrators, teachers)

Accordion Sample Descr

Learn to move naturally, fluidly, effortlessly and efficiently, whether at work or play.

Enhance your balance, flexibility, agility and coordination

Fire up your energy and libido

Reduce stress and increase wellbeing


Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample

We are going to provide you with the Master Key to MAX YOUR MOJO, and together we will unlock the 6 gates to 6 dimensions of being.

Be sure to check your email each day – we are going to send you the instructions.
So, be prepared for a voyage of discovery and adventure on the path of personal evolution.
Follow along with David and Eli as they instruct and guide you through each session.

Perform the prescribed exercises at east four days each week.

In this course you’ll be discovering and exploring 6 vital dimensions of your being.

You’ll learn how to incorporate Kinergy routines into your life, to charge ….  Energy

 enhance your personal and professional life.

Each week we present you with you’ll be presented with

different exercises and materials,

and the opportunity to engage with other people from around the world. And you’ll also have a weekly feedback video to keep you on track.

And of course, we’ll support you throughout the program.


Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample Description

Accordion Sample Description

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