David & Eli Labuschagne
Key masters
We are David and Eli Labuschagne. We specialise in the field of energy therapies and have assisted many hundreds of our Kinergy clients to successfully regain their health and vitality, their serenity and sanity.
We’re 21c alchemists working to raise consciousness and transform matter into energy; energy into spirit.
By day we’re scientists dealing with facts and figures – empirical evidence. By night, mystics investigating and immersing ourselves in the dimensions beyond that of the five senses.
We’re evo-revolutionaries, working to assist people to gain control of their health, faculties and life; to realise their destiny; to evolve and attain their ultimate. We’re the progenitors of an evolutionary tool called Kinergy.

David is 74 years young – so, when it comes to the rejuvenation sciences he’s a master of the art.
David is a Health Professional with a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. In addition to clinical work, he conducts research in biomechanics & ergonomics for tertiary and corporate institutions. His career includes extensive involvement over 40+ years as an instructor of movement therapies (Tai Chi, Qigong & Yoga), meditation, acupressure, massage & martial arts.
David’s wife and partner, Eli, holds Master’s degrees in Science and Education; has extensive teaching experience in the fields of adult, child and health education; and is an instructor of Tai Chi, Qigong, acupressure and meditation.
Together they’ve established companies in Slovenia and Australia specialising in programs for managing and preventing chronic & aging-related health issues, physical rehabilitation & personal optimisation.