Kinergy has been instrumental in assisting many hundreds of our clients regain their health, vitality & mobility. The programs have proven to be particularly effective in resolving a wide range of chronic, complex & ageing-related health issues. But don’t just take our word for it – check out what some of our many satisfied clients have to say.

, Liz.  56 y.o. Spondylolisthesis, migraine, depression.

I’ve been to numerous chiropractors, osteopaths, doctors and physiotherapists; I’ve done yoga, meditation classes, had therapeutic massage, reiki, done weight lifting, and acupuncture and received some temporary relief, but I never experienced the total mind, body, and spirit rejuvenation that I am currently experiencing. I like the freedom to do this program anywhere that I am, and like the fact that I don’t need exercise aids, or any equipment. I also like the way I know that one never reaches a peak and that I am becoming stronger and healthier all the time.


Quality of Life

Jim (Dr. Biochem).  60 y.o. Diabetes, Spinal hypertosis

My life has changed considerably for the better because of my association with Mr Labuschagne. I have a much more positive outlook on life and have experienced a significant increase in physical abilities, which include increased flexibility, an enhanced sense of balance, and consistently lowered blood glucose readings. I sincerely hope that others can have the opportunity to work with him, because I believe that his knowledge, personal empathy and undoubted competency provides great potential for those facing chronic and ageing issues.



Jan & Lucas.  30+ y.o. Infertility.

For several years we tried unsuccessfully to have a child. In desperation, after medical procedures were unsuccessful, we turned to Kinergy for help. A few months after commencing the program my wife conceived, eventually giving birth to a healthy boy.


i cant thank you enough!

I no longer feel depressed — I am relaxed, confident and have good energy levels — something I haven’t had for years. My GP has noticed the change and is enthusiastic and encouraging regarding the exercise program.


This was life changing

I have a much more positive outlook on life and have a significant increase in physical abilities, which include increased flexibility, an enhanced sense of balance, and consistently lowered blood glucose readings.



Margrette.  27 y.o. Exhaustion, bulemia.

I had got to a point where I couldn’t concentrate, was chronically exhausted, dangerously underweight and emotionally volatile. In fact I felt that I did not have long to live. As far as I’m concerned, the Kinergy program helped me get my feet back on the ground and reenergise. This gave me the courage and strength to reflect on what was wrong in my life and take steps to change those things. Now, 6 months later I feel I have turned my life around in the right direction.



Mark.  82 y.o. Acute shoulder injury.

I work on a farm and one day my tractor overturned. The damage to my left shoulder was so severe that I could not raise that arm at all. At the hospital I was advised that because of my age and the severity and extent of my injuries that surgery was not an option, and that I would never have proper use of the arm. By the 3rd session I was able to raise my arm to shoulder level without pain. My daughter had previously been in a Kinergy program to help her with exhaustion and depression. She was so impressed with the improvement she made that she signed our whole family up for the program.


My GP is enthusiastic about Kinergy

Lorraine. 37 y.0.  Migraine, back pain, depression

I have been practicing the program for the past 6 weeks. From the first session there has been a noticeable improvement — on a physical level I had been getting lower back pain which built up to such an intensity I could only get relief from massage and spinal manipulation. After a treatment my back would feel great for the first three days and gradually deteriorate back to intense pain. Every morning I’d wake up in pain, now I have very little pain in my lower back, if any. My left hip used to burn during the night — this has vanished completely. I used to have two to four migraines per month, but found that the Kinergy routines relieved it to the point of the migraine going without medication (Naramig) which I have always had to use since the age of 15. As far as my mental health goes I was diagnosed in November ’04 as being depressed and referred to a psychiatrist who confirmed the GP’s diagnosis. I was prescribed Mirtazapine — 45 mg per day and having been taking it since Jan 5, ’05. I noticed a big change when I began the Kinergy program and I am sure it has contributed greatly to my feelings of well being. I no longer feel depressed — I am relaxed, confident and have good energy levels — something I haven’t had for years. My GP has noticed the change and is enthusiastic and encouraging regarding the Kinergy program.


Back on my feet again.

Giorgio. 54 y.o.  ACL injury and Meniscus Rupture

Being a basketball referee involves lots of running and suddenly changing direction. As you can imagine, this puts a lot of stress on the knees. Then, one day I developed sharp pain in my right knee that not only put an end to the basketball, but made even walking agonising (particularly when going down hill or down stairs). Laparoscopy showed that the cartilage had become torn and accordingly knee surgery was advised.  I was concerned about the long-term effects of the surgery and so took up Kinergy to see whether that could help me fix the problem. That was 10 years ago and since then I’ve had no further knee problems.


Back at work

Sam. 20  y.0.  Psychosis, narcotic addiction.

Depression and psychotic episodes led me to attempt suicide by drug overdosing. That just made it worse. Now I am on medication that makes it impossible to think clearly. I cannot focus, get a job, or study. After 6 weeks of Kinergy I was able to get and keep a part-time job managing a shop. My moods are better and I can look people in the eye. Also my psychiatrist was surprised at my progress and has reduced my medication.

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