Kinergy Synergy
Advanced training workshops for health & fitness professionals featuring advanced wholistic exercise therapies.

Ready to excel?
Make the rest of your life the best of your life. And being your best starts HERE and NOW
Keen to find out more about how to unlock your energy and potential?
Fill out the form and we’ll fill you in on how to max your mojo and get on top of your game.
Powerful evidence‑based strategies for energy enhancement,
Taking Care of the CareTakers

Course for health-care professionals, life coaches & personal trainers.
Yes! It’s demanding (and exhausting) to play an important role in assisting your clients to be healthy, happy and whole.
Bottom line – when you’re at your best, you’re able to give of your best, and then everybody benefits.
Our concern is taking care of the caretakers. – people like you who play an important role in caring for the health, wellbeing and welfare of others. People who are working to make a better world.
For more information or any further assistance regarding course or admission, you can visit our contact us page or click the button below.
Click the link to book a Zoom session.